General Questions

No matter what team or business you are in, you can follow the three steps below to get your AI-powered workflow up and running. After you register for a Edinburgh  and build a Base for your work, here is what you need to do.

The largest difference is that we use more efficient “payment rails” or “plumbing” than a bank. When a bank sends money overseas, they are unable to send it directly to the receiving bank. Your money is actually passed through many cooperating “intermediary banks” until it reaches the destination bank. And every time an “intermediary bank” touches your funds, they take a small fee for themselves. In the end, each movement through each “intermediary bank” costs you time and money.

Edinpay avoids intermediary bank networks. We transport your payments through cutting-edge blockchain technology. And because we only touch your payments once we only need to charge you once. Less touches means less fees and faster payment.

Client Query

You can now add multiple users to your account and assign them roles to help you manage user access.

These are the Roles and their level of access. We will be adding to these over the coming weeks.


Have total access to EdinPay. Only admins can update account information and assign user privileges.


Agents have access to create and send payments or invoices, manage contacts and view reports.


Clerks can create and edit payments or invoices, but not send them. Clerks can also manage contacts and view reports.

Technical Questions